Superteam Turkey IRL Workshop Microgrant

Superteam Turkey IRL Workshop Microgrant


Get upto $500 USDC to organize a Solana Workshop with your community, as per the guidelines given below.

In-person workshops can be a valuable learning experience since they offer personalized instruction, networking opportunities, and the chance to learn in an interactive, hands-on format. They can also provide a break from the usual routine and the opportunity to try new things. We are sponsoring a microgrant to encourage those who want to share their technical knowledge about Solana with communities in all parts of Turkey to hold physical events.

🤝 Workshops playbook

Evaluation Criteria

We prefer to support teams that have some prior experience in organizing events (regardless of how small) and events that are primarily focused on developers.

  • The event should be a technical workshop explaining Solana technologies.
  • Your target audience should be developers or those who want to become developers.
  • The number of developers who will attend your event and the number of developers who attended your previous events are important.
  • Having prior planning/permission obtained regarding the event location and potential dates.
  • Explaining in detail why you are the right person to organize this event.

We recommend doing as many of these as possible:

  • 📥 Attendees: You ideally invite every developer who wants to be a Solana developer there and who is now curious about Solana and Superteam.
  • 🤝 Onboarding: The workshop is an opportunity to invite specific people who you already know have a clear path to valuable contribution to the Solana ecosystem. Ideally, this interaction is a turning point in their career, bringing them onto the Solana ecosystem.
  • 📷 Proof of meet-up: You ideally take picture and put them up on your social media of choice with a short caption with your experience, learnings, or thoughts. Tag @SuperteamDAO and we might share it as well!
  • 💬 Follow up group: Everyone who attends, invite them into a private Telegram / Whatsapp group that you’re an admin of. This way you can be in touch, and help make happen more plans that were discussed at workshop!
Note: Getting approved for a grant is in no way to be understood as an endorsement or partnership. Your event will be a community event and in now way should you represent to 3rd parties that its a “Superteam Turkey event” or in any sense official. For more feel free to get in touch with Ezgi at @jayincrypto on Twitter.
How It Works:
  1. Submit the application form.
  2. Solana Foundation will usually reply within ~72 hours.
  3. If approved, you'll receive confirmation email and the amount in the next payout cycle!
Frequently asked questions
Who is eligible to apply for event grants?

Anyone with an Solana Workshop event idea is welcome to apply.

How fast is "Instant"?

We try our best to get you a decision within 72 hours.

What criteria will the panelists use to evaluate grants?

We prefer to support teams that have some prior experience in organizing events (regardless of how small) and events that are primarily focused on developers.

  • The events to be organized should be technical workshops explaining Solana technologies.
  • Your target audience should be developers or those who want to become developers.
  • We expect you to explain in detail why you are the right person to organize this event.
  • The number of developers who will attend your event and the number of developers who attended your previous events are important.
  • We expect that there is prior planning/permission obtained regarding the event location and potential dates.

Will I receive feedback on my proposal if it is rejected?

Unfortunately, our sponsors do not have the bandwidth to provide individualized feedback at this time.

Have a question that isn't answered here? DM @jayincrypto on Twitter for help.