
Earning opportunities

The north star of Superteam is Community GDP: The total amount of money earned by our community through earning opportunities. As of November 2022, Superteam members have already earned more than $900,000!

There are several types of earning opportunities:

⚡️ Instagrants

Equity-free grants to support builders across the Solana ecosystem. Applications take less than 15 minutes, approval decisions come within 48 hours.

🤑 Bounties

Bounties are small scale tasks (typically worth ~$500 - $1,500 USDC). Bounties can be sponsored by Solana Foundation itself or by sponsors.

💪 Missions

Missions are freelance contracts for either an individual or a team to complete. Some Missions are open to the public, others are only available to Members (Level 2) of Superteam.

Worry not! We share all these opportunities with you in Discord (and this website if they’re public).